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Start your booking here

Which level is right for me?

For detailed descriptions, go to the Workshops page.

As a general rule, this is how long you should have been learning tango:

  • Second Step (usually less than 6 months)
  • Intermediate (usually more than 1 year)
  • Upper Intermediate (usually more than 2 years)
  • Advanced (usually more than 4 years)

Please ask a teacher in your area if you are unsure of your level.

Book Your Festival Pass NOW to Avoid Disappointment.  Three Immersions sold out already.

I have read the terms and conditions

Select the pass you want (select Individual Workshops for single tickets)

Choose Pass Description Price
Full Festival Pass


I will attend as

Full festival pass including four festival milongas and six festival workshops. 

Additional workshops can be added for $55 each.

Second Step 20th Festival Special


I will attend as

Step Step 20th Festival Special Pass including one festival milonga and six second step level festival workshops. 

Please email festival@nztangofestival.co.nz to request a different milonga to the auto selected one.

Additional second step or open level workshops can be added for $55 each.

Beginners' Pass


I will attend as

Beginners pass includes four beginners festival workshops. 

Open level workshops can be added for $55 each.

Volunteer Pass


I will attend as

For official NZ Tango Festival volunteers only

Individual Workshop Events and Immersion Courses


I will attend as

Book individual tickets to workshops, milongas and immersions. 

Workshops are $55

Immersions are $350

Parties are $60, $95, $95 and $50


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