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The 20th New Zealand Tango Festival

The World's Friendliest Little Tango Festival™

 Wellington, 19 - 25 June 2024

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Registration Open

Check in the ticketing section to see what is currently available 

 (If you have haven't previously attended a festival you will be able to create a login as part of the registration process).

STOP PRESS: An Authentic Pre-Milonga Argentinian Asado (BBQ) Meal will be available at the venue

 Click here for menu and booking details


A week of world-class workshops, immersion courses, shows and milongas.

Welcome to the 20th year of the New Zealand Tango Festival!

We are looking forward to bringing you a wonderful programme filled with international masters, performances, special guests, and a few surprises packed into every moment of the seven day programme.


The festival week starts with Two-Day Intensive courses run by our international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door.


Is the start of the main festival event, with the Welcome Milonga at Te Whaea starting at 8 pm.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday 

Are filled with workshops all day and dancing all evening. The main performances are on Friday and Saturday nights.

Monday, Tuesday Post Festival Weekend

To consolidate your learning, your friendships and completely wear out your shoes, you need to stay on for another Two-Day Intensive course, after the festival....dance the nights away, and melt back to your home, finally replete.

Sign up for regular festival updates on our contacts page.

What people say about The New Zealand Tango Festival:

"One of the best Festivals I have ever attended...I highly highly recommend it - Murat Erdemsel"

"Thank you for all you do to make this festival happen – it’s such a joyous, fun event - Anne Rodgers, Adelaide"

"Such a wonderful tango festival.   I totally enjoyed the whole experience from the beginning till the end.  All teachers were great and I have gained a lot from them.  I really would like to attend the next one."

14 Unique things to do in Wellington


Location for all workshops, Registration and info desk during the festival

Te Whaea National Dance and Drama Centre: 11 Hutchinson Road , Newtown, Wellington

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