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Viva Latina Dance offers a delightful selection of authentic, 100% Argentinean-made tango dance shoes and outfits that will be available during the festival. Our dance shoes are sourced from the prestigious DNI Tango, renowned for their exceptional comfort, durability, and stylish designs. Additionally, our range of tango outfits showcases the talents of various local Argentinean designers including DNI Tango, Tango Imagen, Roxana Vincelli, Lucila Segura, and more.

Denise Hui

Viva Latina Dance

Ph: 021 738 217

Email: vivalatinadance@yahoo.co.nz / denise.huot@gmail.com


Clothing for Tangueras

Tango Company New Zealand will have a small selection of beautiful women’s clothing for sale at the festival. Created especially for tango dancers, the collection is elegant and stylish. Perfect for making you feel gorgeous on the dance floor. All of our clothes are handmade in Wellington, New Zealand.

Ceri Woods

Tango Company New Zealand

Website: http://www.facebook.com/tangocompanynz

TCNZC Teaser11May2024


Julie will be back again this year along with Suz, their magical hands will be ready to soothe away your aches and pains in the Te Whaea Plaza over the three days.



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